You guys! I'm all over the place with this blogging thing. I started a new photography blog strictly for client work, and a bit of personal material. But then I have this. The blog that I started with and love - even though I don't update as much as I said I would. I can't seem to let it go. Anyways, apologies for the random rumbling. I'll eventually figure it out. Hopefully. In the meantime, have a look at my photography work blog. I've posted a couple snaps i took of maki and his pooh bear;)
I just wanted to stop by and say I've been a fan of your shop for a while, but little did I know you had a blog, a tumblr and Instagram. and that you are a fellow Canadian! Anyways, I'm your newest fan and all thanks to that lovely comment you left on my little blog. Thank you! Have a great weekend ;))))